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Fastest CPU ever made?

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

With Intel's help, we've managed to push their fastest CPU to the next level. Currently, the fastest available CPU (processor) is the Core i7-3970X from Intel with clock speed of 4.7GHz. With their help, we have managed to clock our processor at 6.2GHz which is absolutely shocking! Not only have we managed to set new grounds to processing power but we have also managed to achieve a new milestone in the world of technology.

Now, many ask.

"Does the other hardware manage to keep up?"

"Are the other components fast enough?"

"Will my specs match up to the CPU power?"

And the answer is, yes. Yes it will. Because what we have managed to do with the help of Intel and Nvidia is an amazing collaborate technology. Though granted, this can only be bought within the set of a unit. You cannot buy this CPU just on it's own. You have to buy the whole PC system setup which also has the according graphics card needed to hold up to this beast and also a very specific, custom made water cooling which is used to keep the whole build cool and capable of working and a steady and comfortable paste.

You can view this product on our Shop page if you wish to do so.

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